Airduct and Dryer Cleaning

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Air and duct cleaning Service

Our airduct and dryer duct cleaning service is designed to improve the air quality in your home or business while also reducing the risk of fire hazards caused by lint buildup in your dryer ducts. Over time, air ducts can accumulate dust, allergens, and other particles, reducing the efficiency of your heating and cooling system and circulating dirty air throughout your space.

Additionally, dryer ducts may become obstructed by lint, which can force your dryer to work harder, leading to higher energy consumption and raising the risk of fire. 

We Provide:

Air and duct cleaning is an important aspect of maintaining good indoor air quality and promoting a healthy living or working environment. Over time, dust, dirt, and other contaminants can accumulate in the air ducts, leading to poor indoor air quality, which can cause or exacerbate health problems such as allergies and respiratory issues. Regular air and duct cleaning can help remove these contaminants, leading to better indoor air quality and improved health. Additionally, air and duct cleaning can increase the energy efficiency of your HVAC system by removing obstructions that make the system work harder to circulate air.

Little Piggies Carpet Cleaning
Little Piggies Carpet Cleaning

Have you Any Question?

We recommend having your air ducts professionally cleaned by Little Piggies Carpet Cleaning every 3-5 years, depending on the level of use and soiling in your home.
Little Piggies Carpet Cleaning uses a powerful vacuum system to remove dirt, dust, and debris from your air ducts. We also use specialized tools to scrub the inside of your air ducts, leaving them clean and free of debris.
Yes, having your air ducts cleaned by Little Piggies Carpet Cleaning can improve the air quality in your home by removing allergens, dust, and other airborne pollutants from your duct system.

Yes, Little Piggies Carpet Cleaning offers dryer vent cleaning services to help prevent fire hazards and improve the efficiency of your dryer.

The time it takes to clean your air ducts can vary depending on the size of your home and the level of soiling in your duct system. Typically, air duct cleaning by Little Piggies Carpet Cleaning takes between 2-4 hours to complete.
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Air and Duct Cleaning

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Maricopa, Arizona

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